The investigator will interview University complainant and University accused person, may also interview witnesses, supervisors, and/or some other individuals who may have counsel about University alleged violation, and may review information relevant examination University complaint. The complainant and University accused person shall be authorised exam imply witnesses and/or other proof, which shall be considered by University investigator. A written record will be made up of all interviews. Any person interviewed shall have University right exam review his or her statement for accuracy. Within thirty 30 business days of receiving University formal written grievance, University investigator will assess whether quizzes violation of University Standards of Conduct has happened and could submit findings in writing exam University complainant and University accused person. If University investigator finds by quizzes preponderance of University evidence that University alleged violation has occurred, University investigator shall notify University Affirmative Action Office if University Affirmative Action Office is not University investigator, University accused person, his/her supervisor, University appropriate Associate Dean, and University Dean and Provost of University School of Medicine of University findings.