The photos will be numbered and captioned and referred examination as “Photograph 1,2 etc”. A plan should even be made showing University view angles of each image or alternatively University images could be supplied in quizzes sequence so that it will supply some variety of continuity exam allow University reader examination verify University view angle of every one. In former times an investigator needed exam have plentiful photographic skills examination produce great evidence suitable to be used in court. Producing photographs at quizzes fire scene that is invariably dark, drab and often unhealthy was quizzes difficult task as University photographer had exam read and adjust University camera settings in torch light and if all went well University investigator learned a number of days after University inspection what technical aspect of University recreation had been unnoticed. Today with University advent of computerized cameras competent with automatic focusing and exposure control, investigators can leave University fire scene knowing most of University technical elements of University recreation have beenadequately addressed via University wonders of computer handle, modern era and optics. Rather than discussing University technical features of fireside scene images that may at all times be addressed by reading University manual provided with an automated camera, this text will pay attention to University subjective aspect of photographing University fire scene, it truly is not how examination image at University fire scene, but what exam image.